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Eurovision vote party

Loved by over 10,000 Eurovision fans. Create your own parties or personal scorecards - no phone app download required.

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Unlock every Eurovision from 1956, create your own custom parties & scorecards and much more!

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Putting the social back into voting

Vote with your friends.
Easily invite people into your private vote party with a QR code or link.
Live voting.
Your votes are submitted instantly to your party. Add notes and view an artists avatar to keep track of why you voted for them.
Share your votes with the world.
1-click share your top votes on your socials (like Wordle).

Compare and analyze votes

 Live Eurovision Results.
Updated in real-time. See how your party stacks up against the official Eurovision results.
Vote as a party.
At a quick glance, check out how your party is voting as a collective.
Analyze everyones votes.
See how you vote for a country compared to the rest of the party.
Analytics Page

Presenter mode has arrived!

Present your votes one by one just like it happens at Eurovision!

Product screenshot
Build suspense.
Reveal your top 12 point vote seperately to your other votes to make it a dramatic reveal!
Auto tallying.
Everytime to you reveal your votes it will re-tally the votes.

Ready to get started? Create your vote party now

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